Mylio photo app
Mylio photo app

mylio photo app


Install Mylio on each device, open the app, and everything syncs automatically, peer-to-peer, over your wireless network. SECURE SYNC: Protect all of your memories on all of your devices.The visual story of your life has never been so elegantly organized. View by day, month, year, and decade to see all the details as well as the grand scope of your timeline.

mylio photo app

LIFE CALENDAR™: Bring together scattered photos, videos, and PDFs into one centralized library, and display them on the Life Calendar, making it easy to find your favorite memories.Mylio makes the whole process seamless and efficient. It helps you do everything with your photos: import, store, organize, manage, cull, rate, label, edit, share, and rediscover. YOUR COMPLETE WORKFLOW: Mylio is more than just a photo manager.It works even without the internet, so you can import photos from your camera while on location, manage from your mobile devices, rate and cull on an airplane, and show off photos at a beachside party. BUILT FOR TRAVEL: Mylio was made to travel.With Mylio, your entire workflow is efficient and convenient. Mylio has been tested with libraries of over a MILLION high-resolution photos, and it still works lightning fast. WE DO BIG LIBRARIES: Many photo managers get sluggish when you get to 100,000 images.Changes you make to Mylio from any device are automatically reflected across all devices. If you’ve already spent time organizing your photos into folders, Mylio will preserve that structure. WE DO FOLDERS: Mylio puts you in complete control of your folder system on all your devices.“It may just change your life.” -Outdoor Photographer “Honestly the most impressive photo management application we’ve ever seen.” -Digital Camera Review “The ability to easily sync and display every photo that I have on my iPhone, iPad, laptop… is a game-changer.” -GeekWire It works even without the internet, so you can manage your photos whether you’re on a plane, on the subway, on location, or on a trip. Mylio also specializes in big libraries, so whether you’re just starting out or have a library of a million photos, Mylio works lightning fast. With Mylio, you’re in control of your photo memories, including your folders and metadata. Bring scattered pictures, videos, and PDFs together and display them on the Life Calendar™, making finding memories quick and easy. Mylio is a powerful app that collects all your photos into a single library, automatically organizing them into the visual story of your life.

Mylio photo app